Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells. If not stopped it will contine grow until it takes over the whole organ or body and kill . This is to educate on one of the available options. You will need to stop the abnormal growth .Please eat a reasonable amount of mushroom it stops the growth. Eat lots of vegetable and remove flesh from diet while treating. Clean the blood to make it alkaline and break up the abnormal cell already there. Chemo and radiation could destroy good cells and poison your body so you could died
Natural Cancer
cure Part one
1 tsp baking soda
1 ½ -2 Maple syrup /black strap molasses
1 tbsp. apple
cider vinegar in 1 glass warm filtered water
-Put the soda in a table spoon of the maple /blackstrap molasses .Take 3 times daily with the last one before bed .
-And take the cider vinegar 30 minutes after taking
the soda mixture
-Take every day for 4-6 weeks. Then rest 4 week and
-Take your PH each day to get it up to or over 8.
-Eat no sugar no white foods , no soda beverage. No meat . eat lots of
vegetables like carrot and green
-Take with other cancer cure.
Take coffee enema when you start feeling
nauseous and giddy as toxin is released
pure herbs
2.Chuch huasi
3. Grease wood –(chappral)
4. lapocha
(pau de arco)
5 cats claws
6.Apricot kernels
Mix 2 tsp each, all in 16.ozs. water. Leave to soak for 12 hours. Boil for 20 minutes. Strain ,bottle, keep in a cool place. Use 1tbsp this
2 times daily with 4.ozs water after, 30 minutes before meals. NB.. you can mix all herbs or do as little as 3 you can use 1tbsp of each herb then More reading JICM Wellness Center. Disclaimer this article is for education purposes only .If you decide to use it you take full responsibility for its use and miss use.