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Showing posts with label home made wine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home made wine. Show all posts

Jamaica Wine Making

Jamaica Wine Making

The process of wine making in Jamaica can be fun.  Almost any fruit. vegetable and roots can be used to make just with a little bit of ingenuity and common sense you can end up with a great Jamaica wine. Red label is one of the best least expensive wines sold in Jamaica;How about trying your hand at making your own wine  



Must: The fermented mixture

Less;: Dregs from the fermented mixture,

Clarified::Clear, sparkling without dregs

Fermentation: Process of change into alcohol

Jamaica Wine Making

Necessary tools and ingredients for the process

Fermenting jars: for the fermenting process

Two white high-density plastic buckets: to start the process.

Sheets of polythene: to use as cover for buckets.

Nylon sieve and nylon bag: for straining

Gravity hydrometer and float, : is the most important piece of
equipment for testing gravity and alcohol content
this is necessary if you plan to make or do this for commercial purposes.

Jars with good cover: for fermenting

Labels:to put on name and dates of processing especially if
you do different batches at various times.

large wooden spoons: or masher, metal spoons should never be used

Wine bottle Corks: Flange corks with plastic tops are easily available.

Cotton wool: An endless supply is needed for making loose plugs for bottles

Bottlebrush:t  To wash the bottles

wine Bottles: For bottling, there should be no hurry in bottling the liquid from the fermenting jar .

Siphon and tubing: To remove the must the less or the deposit of dead yeast.

Ingredients used in the  Jamaica Wine Making

Citric acid: Precipitate of chalk used to make sure wine has the correct acidity.

Sodium or metabisulphite: To wash the making equipment to destroy vinegar fly

Campden tablets: Use to sterilize the must.

When not available use 3-1/2 oz sodium in 2 pints of water to make a solution

1/3 fluid oz of this solution is equivalent to one campden tablet.

Yeast: Is a necessary nutrient for the fermenting process

Wine Tannin: Wine is insipid without tannin you may purchase wine tannin.
or add I tsp strong tea per gallon.

Pectolytic enzyme: Used to break down pectin in fruits that can cause problems in processing and making.
This is added to the must during steeping.

The fruit or plant: From which the flavor is to be extracted.

Sugar: For sweetening, less sugar gives a dryer wine.

 Jamaica Wine Making Information

Always wash utensils with metabisulphite or sodium solution to get rid of the fruit fly.

I must mention that if you are making this for home use only some of these things are necessary.

Just be sure that all the utensils are sterilized and that the sugar is enough, the temperature is correct, and the mixture is poured off until clear and clarified before it is finally bottled.

 If all the processes, ingredients, and tools are used, then you should have a very fine wine that you can be proud to show off to your friends.

Remember your product will look more distinctive with proper labeling and displayed in fancy bottles and corks. Always remember the recipe used is the most important key of all.

Here is a special recipe that has taken years to perfect and is guaranteed that this wine-making procedure will produce the best sparkling chocho white wine for home use or with a little tweaking for commercial purposes.

Don't go getting drunk now.

Author: and Creator
Copyrights @Juliet Christie Murray
Home Economics Instructor 1983-2010