Make Professional Looking Drapes
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You may have just bought a dwelling or vacation home in Jamaica and may like to have fun doing your own window treatment
You came here to learn about drape making. Originally we had a download for you. However the files have all got corrupted and and we have lost all the files. However we have looked at this book and saw that it covers most of the topics we Thank you for your interest in our quick and Easy course.We had packages 16 easy lessons in this Module,Volume 1.
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There is enough information and instruction in this Easy Course to make you build your first set of window treatments within a matter of days. If you can already sew you can do some within the hour
If you follow the instructions you will be making all the styles listed in no time. you can make some money this holiday season.Follow the lessons carefully and your window treatment will fit perfectly. leave a comment n and we will get back to you.
The teachers assumes you can operate a sewing machine,and follow written instructions. You may however need to brush up on some of the sewing techniques you can see some at Decorating Ideas and Tips We do hope you have lots of fun making your drapes.
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If you reach here by browsing and would like to get our lesson you may get look at our drape making books